


Native to the tropics of Central America and South America, tomatoes grow as a wild plant. Furthermore, tomatoes began to be classified as vegetables by Europeans in the 18th century. In Indonesia, tomatoes are thought to have existed since the 16th century brought by Portuguese and Spanish sailors. Meanwhile, West Java province is the largest supplier of tomato production, followed by North Sumatra and Central Java (, 2019).


Tomato Nutrient Content

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very important for us to consume healthy fruits and vegetables to maintain our immune system. One of them is tomatoes which have many nutrients, not only good for health but also for skin beauty. Tomatoes, which are mostly water, are very rich in vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Not only that, tomatoes also contain substances such as carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, iron, minerals and protein. So what are the benefits of tomatoes for the body?


The Benefits of Tomatoes for Health

Maintain Eyes Health

Maintain Skin Health

Maintain Heart Health

Prevent Cancer

Lower Diabetes Risk

Smooth the Digestive Tract

Beneficial for the fetus
