Labu (Butter Pumpkin)


Butter Pumpkin

Pumpkin or fruit that has the Latin name Cucurbita moschata, is a fruit that is well known in Indonesia. Often used as part of the ingredients in foods such as compote, cake, soup or pudding, the sweet taste makes the throat feel fresh after activities or fasting all day. The distribution centers of large pumpkin plants in Asia are Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia. In Indonesia, pumpkins can be found in various regions of the archipelago, the distribution is even due to how easy it is to plant and maintain. Pumpkin productivity can reach 20-40 tons of fruit per hectare. One of the provinces that can become a center for pumpkin cultivation and processing is East Kalimantan.


Pumpkin Nutrient Content

With the progress of the times and technology that is so fast, pumpkin can be used as an alternative food for a source of carbohydrate and fiber needs. According to, a serving of pumpkin (about 250 grams) contains 50 calories and a variety of nutrients including protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, folate, as well as various antioxidants (anthocyanin, lutein, choline, and carotene).


The Benefits of Pumpkin for Health

Helping Lose Weight

Maintaining Eye Health

Reducing the risk of getting cancer

Smoothing Digestion

Maintaining Brain Health and Function