Java Tea
Java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus) is a herbal medicinal plant. This plant is known by various terms such as: kidney tea plants/java tea (English), giri-giri marah (Sumatra), remujung (Central Java and East Java) and songot koneng (Madura). The cat's whiskers plant originates from tropical Africa, then spread to Asia and Australia. Java tea is one of the many herbal medicinal plants needed in the traditional medicine or herbal medicine industry in Indonesia.
Java Tea Nutrient Content
Java Tea contains natural compounds that include flavonoids, triterpenoids, phenolics, sinensetin, eupatorin, glycosides, tannins, saponins, and steroids.
The Benefits of Java Tea for Health
Treating gout
Overcoming rheumatism
Lowering blood sugar levels
Lowering blood pressure
Overcoming menstrual problems
Maintaining healthy heart
Treating swollen gums
Helping lose weight
Reducing itching caused by allergies