Kulit Delima


Pomegranate Peel

Pomegranate fruit or commonly referred to as pomegranate has been consumed since ancient times due to its health benefits. Pomegranate is believed to help maintain heart health. Pomegranate plants are quite easy to find in Indonesia. Plants that are usually used as ornamental plants are thought to have come from mainland Persia and the surrounding area to the Middle East. Usually after consuming pomegranate, most people throw away the skin. Even though the antioxidant content in pomegranate skin is no less important for its benefits for the body.


The Benefits of Pomegranate Peel for Health

As a Natural Moisturizer

Prevent Wrinkles and Signs of Aging

Overcome Sore Throat

Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Maintain Bone Health

Maintain Dental and Oral Health

