Buah Sirsak



Soursop fruit is well known in Indonesia. This fruit originally comes from Central America and South America, especially Peru, the Caribbean, Argentina and the Amazon forest. Having the Latin name Annoma Muricnata, soursop first entered Indonesia in the 19th century by the Dutch colonial government which called it Zuurzak (sour bag). That is why Indonesian people know it better as Sirsak (soursop). In Indonesia itself, soursop plant centers are in the areas of Raja Mandala in West Java, Karanganyar and Rembang in Central Java, and Malang in East Java.


Soursop Nutrient Content

Soursop is cultivated commercially for its flesh. Even now there is a lot of research on the benefits of soursop fruit for health. One serving of soursop fruit (about 200 grams) contains approximately 110-130 calories. While the nutritional content contained in soursop fruit is carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Not only that, isrsak fruit also contains iron, folate, zinc and antioxidants. Thanks to its nutritional content, soursop fruit is believed to have many benefits for the body.


The Benefits of Soursop for Health

Maintain Body Endurance

Smooth Digestion

Relieves Inflammation

Kill Cancer Cells

Fight Infection
